Services / Company profile



Superby Co., Ltd.

The name of our company, Superby, was inspired by the word Superb. Superb means “wonderful, the best, etc. We want to offer products that make our customers feel that way.

C.E.O   Shuichi Hirase
Director Yuko Hirase


We seek out exciting and attractive products from around the world that have not yet been imported to Japan and introduce them to Japan.


We aim to create a smarter and more eco-friendly society by developing and providing products and services that contribute to improving the quality of life (QOL) of our customers.



  • Promote your product through Makuake and CAMPFIRE.
  • Introducing new and innovative products through crowdfunding platforms like KickStarter and Indiegogo can be very effective in Japan.
  • Makuake is the largest crowdfunding platform in Japan.



  • Sell products through major e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, Rakuten Ichiba, and other online retailers.

  • Amazon
  • Rakuten
  • Online store


  • Exhibit at large exhibitions such as the Tokyo Gift Show to develop wholesale customers and other B2B transactions. (Basically, we pay for the exhibition costs.)

  • Tokyo Gift Show

Expected Benefits

Test Marketing

  • Before going to market, crowdfunding allows you to test how Japanese users will react to your product.

Media (Newspapers, TV, Magazines,Web)

  • If your crowdfunding campaign is successful, your product may be featured in various media outlets.


  • It affects general sales with or without performance.


  • You can promote and brand your product in Japan. Therefore, using crowdfunding for marketing is effective.

Services offered

Landing page

  • Create a crowdfunding landing page and teaser page in Japanese.

Web Advertisement

  • We will deliver Meta (Facebook and Instagram) ads at our expense and social media email marketing.

Customer Support

  • We provide crowdfunding and product after-sales support to Japanese users on your behalf.

Shipping and Returns

  • We will ship products domestically and handle returns.

Company Profile

Corporate Name Superby Co., Ltd.
C.E.O / Founder Shuichi Hirase
Establishment April 2020
Address 350-29 Harajuku, Hidaka, Saitama, 350-1205 Japan
Business Crowdfunding (import and sales)
Phone +81-42-985-7551
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